
I recently have enjoyed a few videos on generational astrology, which along with mundane astrology is one of the areas that I do find engaging. Larger scale trends are always an interesting source of potential data, and they also manage to get away from some of the self obsession of focusing on personality. We all... Continue Reading →

Citizen Covid

Not exactly a small subject, but big is sometimes easy to look at with astrology. Of course we are a reasonable way down the line with this story, so no danger of amazing feats of psychic prognostication here, but it might be interesting. The time I have chosen to erect a chart for is the... Continue Reading →

Mr Riddle

I am a bit of a Harry Potter nut (a Slytherin fan myself), and also being into astrology, it was kinda inevitable that I would end up conjecturing about some of the characters in astrological terms. I don't think JK Rowling is a great writer as such, but she has done something extraordinary in creating... Continue Reading →

Your survival guide to the July Full Moon

Let's be practical about this, you just need to know how to get through a Full Moon, right? The key to this one is individuality, and individuality and creativity have support here, for North node forms a grand trine with Uranus and Saturn in fire. Saturn is retrograde in Sagittarius - it's quieter, more mellow,... Continue Reading →

a Full Moon inbetween

On the 19th July we have our next Full Moon, and in some ways it's as characterised by what it is free from as what it is itself made of. Here is the chart: What is gone from the chart here is the Uranus-Pluto square (which we have a break from for the Summer), and... Continue Reading →

July New Moon

Our next New Moon is on Monday, 4th July. New Moon's are indicators of renewing possibilities, the low points in the lunar cycle when the new can quietly, imperceptibly (at least outwardly) emerge, or secretly come into being. This one is in the Moon's own sign of The Crab, a cardinal, initiating sign that brings... Continue Reading →

June Full Moon

Today is the Full Moon, so what has this one been pulling the month towards? Here's the chart: This one is like a tightly strung violin, played with a beautiful but unusual bow. The major pattern of the chart (the "strings") is a mutable grand cross, which may seem like a strange creature in itself:... Continue Reading →

walking with the wolf

There is something pleasant about planets in retrograde motion. Who wouldn't love it, or at least be curious, when Nature goes backwards. Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall (or through the mirror). The one that is happening this Summer (now in fact) is Mars. A few other planets are also going retrograde over... Continue Reading →

exorcist Moon

Our next Full Moon is on 22nd April, in the sign of Scorpio. Full Moons pull things towards them in advance, and hold on to them for a while. They bring up things from the depths of the unconscious for us to either be enlightened or troubled by. They are the indispensable accompaniment to supernatural... Continue Reading →

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