
I should be relaunching Wulf Rose shortly, though with a different emphasis, and a different name. I will no longer be offering distance Reiki training, and I will probably be focusing more on astrology and divination, though "energy work" may come into too. My first new post will probably be looking at the coming entry... Continue Reading →

time out for Wulf Rose

I'll be closing Wulf Rose for the present. The blog has a limited readership, and I have other things I am working on. If you'd like to follow my other writing, please feel free to subscribe to Summer Thunder blog. Very best wishes to my readers.  

good day

Make every day a good day. Make the "bad", difficult episodes a chance to work, on yourself, on battling or finding the way round your inner monsters, your weaknesses, the illnesses every soul must confront. Make the bad days a chance to remember, in practice, what you live for. The bad days will become days with... Continue Reading →

New Moon 30th October 2016

This New Moon is all about letting go, and letting the negative things that you need to be rid of get drawn off, washed away by that Neptune in Pisces conjunct the South Node. Throw it in the river, let go, move on transformed. You should know by now whatever themes have put you through... Continue Reading →

the train out of tripsville

Next Full Moon is 16th October 2016. Here's the chart: This is one to keep simple. Being a Full Moon it is by nature quite polarised, with a strong tendency to involve relationships (and possible projections). This is further emphasised by the Sun being in relationship-oriented Libra, with the Moon in self-motivated Aries. Emotions can... Continue Reading →

alchemy and realism

New Moon was yesterday, in Libra. Here is the chart, and it will influence the next month, and especially the next two weeks. It's a pretty simple chart, and its backbone is the nodal axis, with North Node opposite Neptune, forming a T square with Saturn. This has been a theme over recent months; dreams,... Continue Reading →

a Full Moon inbetween

On the 19th July we have our next Full Moon, and in some ways it's as characterised by what it is free from as what it is itself made of. Here is the chart: What is gone from the chart here is the Uranus-Pluto square (which we have a break from for the Summer), and... Continue Reading →

July New Moon

Our next New Moon is on Monday, 4th July. New Moon's are indicators of renewing possibilities, the low points in the lunar cycle when the new can quietly, imperceptibly (at least outwardly) emerge, or secretly come into being. This one is in the Moon's own sign of The Crab, a cardinal, initiating sign that brings... Continue Reading →

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